Quincy Jones doing video podcasts
Quincy Jones has launched a series of video podcasts with behind-the-scenes looks at some of his projects with famous artists.As part of the new series, the music, film, theater and television-producing legendhas relaunched his MySpace page to include streams of the videos, as well as a list of his achievements and music selections to listen to while you visit.Jones has technically been a member of MySpace since October 18,2006, according to his profile. The video series can also be subscribed to via the podcast section of Apple's iTunes store. But can the icon make a connection with a crowd more familiar with the people Jones made famous, than the man himself?The first two videos in the series feature Celine Dion singing a song called "I Knew I Loved You." It's an odd choice that hardly seems like it will play with the MySpace community, which includes among its top artists 50 Cent, Avril Lavigne, Kanye West and Linkin Park. The song's music comes from a score written by the composer Ennio Morricone for Once Upon a Time in America, a movie starring Robert DeNiro that came out before many of today's heavy MySpace users were even born.When asked about the distinction, Jones' people say that the famed producer is simply going to go with what he is most passionate about."The Quincy Jones Show" plans to "take viewers on the road with Quincy as he travels the world, appears at special events and meets with celebrities and dignitaries of different cultures...Episodes will feature one or more artists or other influential persons or major topics of great interest to Quincy," Robert Thorne, CEO of the company partnering with Jones on the project, said in an e-mailed statement.